Michel Gurfinkiel

Michel Gurfinkiel

Michel Gurfinkiel

Gangs firebombs sushi bar

More antisemitic incidents in Paris.

A group of youths tried to firebomb a kosher bagel and sushi bar in an up-market district of Paris last week.


According to the owners and several witnesses, the attackers threw a paving stone and then a Molotov cocktail at the restaurant. The fire was quickly put out without causing any harm.

The attackers fled as soon as police officers and firemen arrived.


Over the previous few days, young African and Arab men had appeared in front of the restaurant shouting antisemitic slogans and performing the neo-Nazi "quenelle" salute.

In a separate incident on the same day, a Jewish boy wearing a kippah was severely beaten by a gang of African youths as he was leaving his school in Paris's 3rd district.


Last month, the polemical author Alain Soral and antisemitic agitator Dieudonné – the popularisers of the quenelle – founded the Equality and Reconciliation party (E&R). E&R's strategy is to bring together white, Arab and black "national socialists" and "anti-Zionists" under one umbrella.




© Michel Gurfinkiel & The Jewish Chronicle, 2014

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