Michel Gurfinkiel

Michel Gurfinkiel

Michel Gurfinkiel

Untangling France's Political Mess

Undercurrents of anti-Semitic, anti-globalist conspiracy theories are a troubling sign for France's political outlook.



My article in Standpoint was picked by Asia Times, the #1 international on line media published in Hong Kong :


« The swift descent of the French political establishment over the past year cannot be explained by a single phenomenon, rather it was a perfect storm of disparate elements that brought about the rise of the insurgents now vying for power. »


« Michel Gurfinkiel provides a detailed account of the revolt against “the Ancien Regime,” in Standpoint magazine this month. »


« It is not just the outsized effect muslim immigration to Europe has had on France, but also a demand for social justice after job displacement left France’s countryside empty-handed, while urban elites grew wealthier. »


« If that wasn’t enough, a convoluted and fragmented electoral system underwent further reforms in certain locales, giving a boost to fringe candidates. »





« Gurfinkiel points out, the pro-European Union Emanuel Macron, who has advocated several pro-growth reforms and proposals for deregulation, seems for the moment to be winning the battle against his Nationalist foe Marine Le Pen’s populism. »


« But a narrative that the rise of Macron, who was part of France’s left-wing establishment president Francois Hollande’s administration, has been orchestrated by the globalist political establishment concerns Gurfinkiel. Recent portrayals of Macron echo anti-Jewish conspiracy theories, and are an ill-boding sign for the French political outlook. »

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