UK/ Antisemitism in the House of Lords
Baroness Tonge gets booted from her position after calling for an investigation into IDF organ trafficking in Haiti. Really.
France/ Collision of Church and State
War, revolution, Dreyfus and an era of religiousand political turmoil.
Special Report/ The Gaza War and the rise of the Neo-French
One citizen or resident of France out of five has Islamic and/or third world roots. No political party or leader in France can ignore it any more. Not even Sarkozy.
» Read more about: Special Report/ The Gaza War and the rise of the Neo-French »
USA/ The oath and the speech
If the order of words matters, why did President Obama put American Muslims ahead of American Jews in his inaugural speech ?
Gaza/ A Matter of Proportion
A noted French intellectual registers profound disappointment with President Nicolas Sarkozy's reaction to the Gaza situation.
USA/ God-inflicted pains and self-inflicted pains
Listen to me, my American friends.
» Read more about: USA/ God-inflicted pains and self-inflicted pains »
USA/ Obama-McCain, premier duel
Le 26 septembre, les deux candidats à la présidentielle américaine ont fait assaut de courtoisie. McCain marque des points sur l’Irak et l’Iran. Mais sur la crise de Wall street?