Is France Turning Navy Blue ?
Up to a point.
How the Paris shooting is affecting domestic French politics.
France faces a future of ethnic civil war at worst, and periodic terrorist attacks and political tumult at minimum. Yet its difficulties—both geopolitical and demographic—can be overcome with patience and determination.
An interview with Frank Gaffney on Secure Freedom Radio.
Marine Le Pen’s National Front may come out as a big winner in the coming French regional elections.
Are the French equiped for a war on terror on their own soil ? Perhaps not.
A smaller and more divided Jewish people ?
» Read more about: The Jewish Future : Demography and Identity »
Colonel Richard Kemp, the former UK Commander in Afghanistan, slams the world's weak response to "human shields".
They’re not willing to sacrifice again their Jewish identity in exchange for their security as individuals.
» Read more about: Why, Really, French Jews Are Leaving France »